Carl Chadek Piano Service

Hear your piano's true voice!

Carl Chadek - Piano Technician

Hello and welcome!  

I am proud to offer expert services in the maintenance of your piano. All pianos - concert level instruments, modest instruments, and everything in between - deserve proper care. Regular tuning and maintenance will keep your piano playing and sounding its best.  

I am a member of professional organizations that include Piano Technicians International, Global Piano Technicians, and the American Guild of Organists. I hold a BFA in Music from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in piano and vocal performance. My career in music includes performing regularly as an organist, pianist, and vocalist. My education in piano technology comes from a certificate in 2006 from the Chicago School for Piano Technology after completion of detailed, high level, course and practical work in tuning, maintenance, repair, and fine regulation of all levels of acoutsic pianos. 

I am humbled by my ability to make my living making music happen! Being a professional, and performing, musician gives me an edge in piano technology that non-performing technicians might not understand.  

My services are competitively priced and my appointment schedule is flexible for your convenience.


Tuning - $175.00

Regulation - $100 per hour

Repairs - $100 per hour, most supplies included, parts may be extra

Estimates - no charge

Travel - some locations may require added charges

Full service and care!

Sticky keys? Notes can stick or become sluggish for a variety of reasons. A broken part may need replacement or just a simple adjustment is needed.

Broken string? Strings can break at any time from playing, tuning, or just sitting idle. Sometimes strings can be spliced and sometimes they need to be replaced.

Just not "feeling" right? Overall regulation is important to how the piano responds to the player's touch.

I often do some minor adjustments in the course of tuning. I am happy to offer a few moments of time at no charge while I'm already there with the piano opened up!

Contact me for an appointment!

You may call, email, or text to schedule an appointment.


Thinking about purchasing a piano?

Although I do not offer appraisal services, if you are thinking of purchasing a piano, especially a pre-owned instrument, I can inspect and evaluate your potential purchase. Prices for evalutions depend on the location of the instrument and travel time. I highly recommend that a professional consultation take place before any purchase. Please call, email, or text. 
